Affirm College | Culinary Arts, Healthcare, Business & Technology

Our May 18th baking class has sold out in record time! Our next session is on June 29th

Better Jobs Ontario


What Is Better Jobs Ontario?

BJO is funding from the Ontario government for education offered to people who are recently laid-off, and now unemployed. The goal is to re-train you for long-term skills to help you transition to an in-demand new career. Our culinary programs are designed to give you real-life training to ensure you can return to work faster.

How Much Funding Can I Get?

up to $28,000

Better Jobs Ontario provides eligible applicants with skills training and financial support for in-demand jobs .
You can apply for up to $28,000 for costs, including

You may qualify for additional funding for childcare and disability-related supports.
The amount of support you will receive is based on each individual’s needs and available funding.

Am I Eligible?

You may qualify for Better Jobs Ontario if you

You can still apply if you receive Employment Insurance (EI), Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP).

How Do I Apply?

To apply to Better Jobs Ontario, you’ll work with an Employment Ontario agency where staff are trained to:

Agencies in your community are found at Just make an appointment.
Staff at the agency will help you gather the information needed to support your application to Better Jobs Ontario.

What Information Do I Need to Apply?

The agency will ask for information about

What's the FREE Laptop Offer?

We know you have lots of choices for your education. If you choose Affirm College, our gift to you as a Better Jobs Ontario student is a FREE LAPTOP!

Affirm College,, 905-308-9333

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